All content is ©1992-2010 Andrew Mann and cannot be reproduced without permission from it’s creator.
All content is ©1992-2010 Andrew Mann and cannot be reproduced without permission from it’s creator.
White Knight Proxy is simply the catch-all recording and performing name for Andrew Mann, because, as it turns out, there are already quite a few Andrew Manns out there, even in the world of music, much less beyond it.
The White Knight Proxy name encompasses all music independently written and/or performed by Andrew Mann (or perhaps with a little performance help from a friend or two) that is not covered by either AnaKataCombo or the Versal Music project.
Most of it’s pretty sweet. You should check it out once there’s some stuff online. That should happen soon...
For now, just go check out AnaKataCombo.
All site content is © Andrew Mann and cannot be reproduced without permission from its creator.